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A number of these pieces were done as part of my RSN Certificate and Diploma
Fine Whitework

German Wire Haired Pointer done in Silk Shading

Samples to explore designs based on Pictish carvings

Simple felt Needle Cases

This piece shows applique and stumpwork techniques

A stylised cyclamen flower in Shadow Work on a lavender pillow

A 90th birthday present for a lover of pink and gold

Silk Shading of the underside wing of the NZ parrot, the Kea

Snowdrops in Lazy Daisy stitch

Jacobean Crewel Work from RSN Certificate

A way to use the lovely stitches found in Wessex Stitchery

Kohimarama Beach, Auckland, NZÂ in Canvas Stitches

Oak leaves and acorns for Basic Goldwork

Working with 16th Century Blackwork Stitches

Kiwi in Bayeux Stitch

Gallery: Projects
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